Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
2-8-10 Surprise Me God - Day 30 Final Post
2-7-10 Surprise Me God - Day 29
2-6-10 Surprise Me God - Day 28
2-5-10 Day 27
2-4-10 Surprise Me God - Day 26
Thursday, February 4, 2010
2-3-10 Surprise Me God - Day 25
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
2-2-10 Surprise Me God - Day 24
2-1-10 Surprise Me God - Day 23
1-31-10 Surprise Me God - Day 22
Sunday, January 31, 2010
1-30-10 Surprise Me God - Day 21
Today I am at a conference in Fargo, ND...before today, I wanted to complain about our cold winter in Sioux Falls...yikes, compared to Fargo, we have had a heatwave winter. Thanks for that shocking surprise God. To quote the old Scandanavian maxim, "It could be worse."
At the conference there was some wonderful worship time with some very intentional quiet time. I try to spend some quiet time each day with God, but often I don't let things slow down enough to fully experience God's Shalom/Peace...today was different...thanks God for how wonderful it was today to fully experience your presence...I guess it wasn't surprising that it was refreshing, but the ever-newness of your presence always feels like a wonderful surprise or the perfect present from a loved one. Thanks God.
Friday, January 29, 2010
1-29-10 Surprise Me God - Day 20
Thursday, January 28, 2010
1-28-10 Surprise Me God - Day 19
1-27-10 Surprise Me God - Day 18
1-26-10 Surprise Me God - Day 17
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
1-25-10 Surprise Me God - Day 16
1-24-10 Surprise Me God - Day 15
1-23-10 Surprise Me God - Day 14
Saturday, January 23, 2010
1-22-09 Surprise Me God - Day 13
Friday, January 22, 2010
1-21-10 Surprise Me God - Day 12
Thursday, January 21, 2010
1-20-10 Surprise Me God - Day 11
So I woke up thinking and praying, "God surprise me with some really good ideas for our Theology on Tap event tonight." So I sort of set aside that thought and worked through my email. One of my 20+ emails was from Sonia Larson our Ministry Coordinator. She wrote out 7 different spot on questions for this evening's Theology on Tap event. Awesome! Sometime the answers to our questions come from God using others to bring answers to our questions. Thanks God for the whole Body of Christ to help me with Life's Questions!
Another Surprise came that we had a first time guest Donna from Peace Lutheran come to our event. It is always great to see an unexpected friend show up. Donna offered some great insights to the conversation too. Thanks for that surprise too God.
I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
1-19-10 Surprise Me God - Day 10
1-18-10 Surprise Me God - Day 9
MLK Day always seems to sneak up on me. I am grateful for a surprise day off with my kids. We had lunch together. I was able to clean some more ice off the driveway once again in just a jeans and a flannel shirt.
The beauty of the Hoar Frost on the trees was another wonderful surprise.
Late in the evening I went cross-country skiing using my new headbad-headlamp that I got at the REI store in Minneapolis last week. (love that store) Love me new toy. Well anyway the conditions were perfect. Just the perfect tempeture for exercising and the groomed grooves on the path were perfect too. It was wonderful to take 6 foot stride/glides. It is just a kick! Sort of like sailing when the wind is just right...you almost want to say "wheeeeeee!" on each stride.
Thanks for the surprise of a nice day off with my daughters and a nice evening skiing
Monday, January 18, 2010
1-17-08 Surprise Me God - Day 8
Woke up at O'Dark:30 as is my custom every Sunday. You see I am not a morning person. I have to fake my body out to thinking the day is mid-day by the time worship happens so that this pastor/evening person/closet-introvert can actually say an intelligible sentence in public. But by the grace of God am I able to preach at all. So for me, every Sunday that I preach is sort of a "Surprise Me" moment.
I was wonderfully surpised by Karen Lukens before worship who came up to me and began by praying with me over our friends in Haiti. Needed that!
I was wonderfully surprised to see several new faces in worship this morning. I know it does not make God any more present when new faces are "in the house," but the place just feels more electric on days like today.
I was surprised when Lindsay said after the pre-worship prayer, "We are going to really rock it today." And they did...well I should say...God used them to rock the place! Mom's were dancing holding their children. Little kids were swaying to the music. People had their hands raised giving praise to God. (no small task for Scandanavian Midwesterners!) Not only that but Shane's scripture readings and prayers between songs were spot-on inspired. Great day of worship!
Earlier, Sonia asked me before worship...how are you doing/feeling? I shared how I was uncomfortable preaching after such a difficult week...Haitian tragedy and being away from home for 3 days at a conference did not help either. I shared, "If any good comes this week, God gets the complete and total credit!" I am not sure how it was received...I guess the hearer has to judge that.
After worship, Confirmation. The Forsman girls once again brought a friend. We ended sooner than usual...duh...there was Vikings game going on!
Ugh the Vikings game...the ViQueens (my team) was playing the favored CowGirls of Dallas. I have a strong dislike for the boys with the star on their helmets. (the 99 yard Tony Dorsett run on MNF, the debacle of the Herschel Walker trade...can you say Russell Maryland, Darren Woodson and Emmitt Smith to Dallas 5 players, 5 other draft picks for one worn out running back...and oh don't even mention the Drew Pearson Push Off play 34 years ago...ugh....don't get me started)
Anyway surprise, surprise the boys in purple came to play...whodathunk?!? 34-3 Lovin' IT! I suppose the Vikes could get blown out next week in New Orleans...but today was a wonderful surprise.
After the game I shoveled snow/puddles...without a coat in January. What a great surprise.
Last, the day ended by going to the Sioux Falls Stampede hockey game with the Forsman's. Our boys won in overtime! Someone from Family Wellness just gave away the tickets after worship. What a great surprise. What a great game. To top it all off, we were surprised to see the Behrend family at the game sitting just below us.
What a great day Abba-Daddy...thanks for the Surprises!
Friday, January 15, 2010
1-15-10 Surprise Me God - Day 6
Today's surprise moments were as much of reminders as they were surprises. I had just gotten home my trip to the Twin Cities, unpacked and checked my 33 emails for the day.
I decided to call Dave Oswald and see how he was doing. I think I surprised him, but he seemed to genuinely appreciate my phone call. He talked mostly. I listened mostly. Then we prayed, cried a little and then did the best thing we could do, leave things in God's hands. It was good to be a friend and be reminded I am blessed with awesome friends!
After the phone call, Suzy reminded me of my Johnny Corino's gift certificate from Christmas. Love this restaurant! So we surprised the girls and took them out for dinner.
Surprisingly, we hardly had to wait. In the little moment or two of waiting for a seat, I got a surprise text from my son Ben telling me he loves me. Those sorts of surprises never get old.
There are so many choices on the Corino's menu, but tonight I chose not to be surprised. I went with my old standard, Spicy Chicken Romano...sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, bow-tie pasta and chicken in a spicy cream sauce...mmm-mmmm-yummy! Maybe after the topsy-turvy week of Haiti news, I just needed something that felt like normal. Sometimes on a chaotic week, normal can feel surprisingly delicious. You are blessed...now go and be a blessing!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
1-14-10 Surprise Me God - Day 5
Today's main surprise happened through God's word. A troubling Bible text for me and for many scholars has always been, Luke 13:1-9. http://bit.ly/6hOehX In it Jesus and his followers discuss why evil happens.
Even more difficult is Jesus telling a confusing parable of cutting down an unfruitful, 3 years unproductive fruit tree in response to their conversation on evil. Sometime our life and death questions provoke more questions with few answers.
You see I have been wondering what to say about Haiti. Today I heard Mike Housholder, pastor of Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines teach on this text. I never would have guessed this troubling text would ever be an aswer to any of my questions.
I realised this is a text for Rejoice! This is a text for all hurting over Haiti. Come Sunday to hear more....
The second surprise was nothing earth-shaking (maybe that is a bad choice of words...forgive me) My 2nd surprise was just a simple lunch date with my son. We ate at a new favorite restaurant of his. Nothing profound happened, but sometimes the best moments are not Hollywood-esque, but maybe some of our best moments are when two loved ones get together and share time together and enjoy each other's company. Thank you God for this simple surprise.
Well my friends, hug someone you love today...may you be surprised at how profound this simple act can be...Give 'em Heaven!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
1-13-10 Surprise Me God - Day 4
Yesterday/This Morning...somewhere around O-Dark:30 I shared that my surprises had not been happening not till later in the day. Well, as soon as you start to put parameters around God, God laughs and changes the rules.
So today I am on my way to a continuing education event in the Twin Cities at the seminary from which I graduated, I am driving along, things are going smoothly...then...FOG. How inconvenient. So I ask, "What are you trying to tell me with this fog God?" God says, "Slow down...and...not just the car." I suppose that God is telling all of us, "slow down."
Afterward, after my lesson in slowing down, God gave me another surprise. Hoar Frost...what a beautiful site...for those who never have been to the midwest, Hoar Frost happens when all things meterological line up (usually after fog) God's landscape turns into a crystaline sea of twinkling light. Trees, fence posts, roof tops, etc...all reflecting the glory and light of God's creation. In a word, "BREATHTAKING!" Hmmm...lesson number 2...slow down...and then...expect a God surprise.
Last God surprise to report today...I was driving listening to the 4 EP (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) collection from Jon Foreman (from the band Switchfoot). Jon's stuff is truly inspired and as brilliant as Switchfoot's stuff is...Switchfoot songs tend to be more subtle in sharing the faith...not Jon's solo work...nothing subtle in these 4 EPs Many of the songs borrow a great deal directly from scripture. Nearing the end of the end of Jon's songs, my mind was already skipping ahead...thinking, "What will I listen to next on this trip to Minneapolis?" Then...Surprise! Jon's second to last song slays me... It is entitled, "House of God, Forever." Most of the song is a paraphrase from Psalm 23. Beautiful lyrics...the middle of the song set me sideways.
Even though I walk
Throught the Valley
Of Death and Dying
I Will Not Fear
'Cause You Are with Me
You Are with Me
You see while I am listening with one side of my brain...and...I have been praying over the tragedy in Haiti, especially my friend Dave Oswald with the other side of my brain....then...BLAM...It hits me...both sides of my brain collide...these lyrics from this song are for Dave (and all the others who soon will be heading down to Haiti) God will literally be with Dave and all the others, be "with" them as they "walk through the Valley of Death and Dying."
Thanks God for helping me make a little sense of the present chaos...not that I have it all figured out...but it surpises me and helps me to be reminded that you will go with us even through our "valleys of death and dying."
My closing words today are borrowed from another great song writer, Bruce Cockburn's "Lovers in a Dangerous Time."
These fragile bodies of touch and taste
This vibrant skin -- this hair like lace
Spirits open to the thrust of grace
Never a breath you can afford to waste
When you're lovers in a dangerous time
When you're lovers in a dangerous time
Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime
But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight
Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight
When you're loves in a dangerous time
Kick at the darkness with me my friends until it bleeds daylight. Help us Lord Jesus...
Surprise Me God - Day 3
First why do most of your surprises happen latter in the day? You seem to work best when we focus on you less. You are an allusive God.
So my first surprise didn't happen until later in the day, just before noon time. I went to the Sioux Fall Area ELCA monthly meeting. Great people, but usually boring meetings. Today was different. Larry Olson of Dakota Road was there leading worship and sharing his story. Wow thanks for that surprise. Larry is an annointed, inspired worship leader that can bless both the traditionally oriented and contemporary alike. One of Larry's new songs was based on Psalm 65:9. "The river of God is full of water...." God filled my water tank with Larry today.
Second, I was on the way to visit a friend out the country, but ran into the ditch near his house. Thankfully Randy was there and pulled me out. Thanks God for the surprise that I am not all powerful and than I need others and that I am blessed with good friends.
Third is the most difficult surprise. I did not need this surprise. HAITI Why God do you in all your power allow things like eathquakes happen? I am struggling with this one, probably will be for quite a while. But it is a reminder to praise and ask for your grace not just on the mountaintop, but also in the valley. Help me God. Help my friends like Dave, Tammy, Ashley, Aaron, Darrel, etc. But most of all help our friends the Haitian people. May you work miracles amidst this tragedy
Monday, January 11, 2010
1-11-10 Day 2 Surprise Me God
Today started off a "back to normal life" day. My girls all got back from their weekend trip to the Twin Cities. Everything was back to normal, except for the "Surprise Me God" thing. But the morning seemed, "same old, same old," but it was really nice to have "same old, same old," having everyone home was a wonderful non-surprise.
The morning sort of purred along. Monday's for pastors are sort of our weekend. (at least it is part of a day off...other than loading the vodcast from the previous day's sermon.
However, I got a call from my new friend Leif. He called and invited me once again to his Bible Study. I tried to go 2 or 3 times before, but schedule, life and snow got in the way. But today finally worked out.
What a wonderful surprise! Leif and his friends were serious about studying the Word. They came with their sleeves rolled up, ready to learn, study, pray, share and experience God. Awesome stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed. What a nice surprise. Thanks God.
Later on, I had been playing telephone tag with my friends Dave and Tammy about hearing their "Surprise Me God" stories from Haiti. (I will not give too much away, because I videoed it and you should see it in worship soon) But wow...some great surprises!
Lastly, the night was about to end, I was thinking about going to the club and run on the treadmill. I love to sweat (so I can eat more food) but jogging is kind of boring to me, then I get a phone call from Leif. You still thinking about cross-country skiing...oh yeah...I forgot we had talked about that...Heck yeah...I would much rather exercise outside than inside. What a great night, more great conversations.
Wow thanks for the surprises...bring some more tomorrow! Give 'em Heaven!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Surprise Me God: Week 1 - Day 1
Day 1 - 1-10-10
Today, as we concluded our teaching series on Galatians, we introduced our new series, "Surprise Me God." We asked everyone to start each day of the next 30 with simple 3 word prayer, "Surprise Me God."
So today we, as a worshipping community, started with that simple 3 word prayer..."Surprise Me God."
Maybe not surpizingly, God did surprise me in our worship. First, as I was preaching, microphones were flying, Lutherans were laughing in worship, and the seats were close to full on a day where the temperature was below zero. Wow, thanks for a nice beginning surprise!
Second, as final song was playing, we sang, "God is Good, All the Time." The background video was from two year's ago Men's Retreat organized by former Rejoicer, Brian Bernhard. Sadly Brian died unexpectedly last year. Our loss, heaven's gain. One of Brian's favorite things to say was, "God is Good All the Time!" It gave me a smile and a reminder of Hebrews 12:1. Hebrews 12 reminds us that a great cloud of witnesses cheer us on from heavens. Today I, along with many, could feel the angels and Brian along with all the other saints cheering us on from Heaven.
After worship, we had Rejoice's First Annual Meeting. Quite frankly, many pastors wince a little at the thought of anual meetings. At best, most are boring. At worst, too many can be divisive and ugly. In fact, I have been in a few doozies of anual meetings myself.
Gratefuly, today's anual meeting was neither boring, nor divisive. That should be surprise enough. But to add to the surprises, there were awesome hopes and dreams shared, great questions asked and so many reasons to be excited about the upcoming year.
My favorite piece from a very positive anual meeting were the closing words by Dave Oswald. Dave shared how last year's $500 Outreach Budget served over 20,000 people. How does human logic explain that? This can only be attributed to God. Thank you lord for that wonderful surprise of what You can do when we just join together with what you are already doing. Awesome!
Now it is up to you my friends and fellow Rejoicers, click the "Comment" button below to share your "Surprises." God is Good All the Time. Give 'em Heaven!