Friday, January 22, 2010

1-21-10 Surprise Me God - Day 12

Today's day started off with the usual stuff, prayer, email, scripture reading.
Then I headed off to a meeting with a friend with whom I recently had a difference of opinion. I had been praying that God would use this difference to make us stronger friends and make us better at what we do. God did more than that. We shared our thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams. In the end, we not only understood each other's opinion's better, we came up with ideas for how we can better communicate in the future. Thanks Lord for transforming struggle into deeper friendship.
At Noon, I picked up my daughter Megan to have our every other week lunch date. I always let Megan pick the place. She picked Great Harvest Bread Company (57th & Louise) The lunch date started with a nice surpise. They were offering samples of bread...mmm, mmm, yummy. It reminded me of God's word, "Taste and see that the Lord is Good." Psalm 34:8. Megan and I talked about her week. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but few things are better than precious time with your daughter.
Thanks Lord for all of the relationships you have given me. I am always surprised at how blessed I am by family and friends. Give 'em Heaven!

1 comment:

sonia larson said...

Surprises come in all sizes and shapes, I'm discovering. Until taking on this 30-day experiment of asking God to surprise me each day, I had sort of (naively) assumed that surprises were mostly of the "good" variety. Not so, I guess.

Although nothing huge and unexpected happened today, there were a couple of small good and one not so good. Let's start with the not so good and get it out of the way.

I tend to be a pretty organized person (although you wouldn't know that if you could peak into most of my closets at home!). When I work, whatever job I am doing, I like to know where to find things, know when my deadlines are, and have the working knowledge of how to do the job I am supposed to do. When unexpected things come up, I sometimes get a little frustrated. That's what happened today. I was informed that several forms that should have been filled out for a particular task had not been done, and no one had clued me in that they even needed to be done. Now I have to spend time back-tracking to find information and forms and turn the needed materials in...and they will be seriously late (another thing I dislike...being late).

Are you seeing a pattern here? For someone who used to be athletic, I am become incredibly inflexible. Surprise. Even through my frustrations, God can teach me a lesson. "Breathe, Sonia. Loosen up a bit. If I can make good things happen out of a tragedy like Haiti, I can help you get through a little setback in your work day." Thanks, God. I needed that.

Now for the good news. Like most offices, mine has florescent lighting. I have discovered that this type of lighting causes dizziness and migraines for me, so I have been working sans overhead lights for about 6 months now and using just a floor lamp and a desk lamp. Now that it is winter and cloudy a lot, I haven't been able to see in my office very well, so I asked for help from the folks in my office...and they are in the process of trying to find a workable solution. Yeah! Out of the darkness will come more ways than one.

I hope that I can continue to learn from all surprises...good or bad, big or small. Keep 'em coming, God.