Friday, January 29, 2010

1-29-10 Surprise Me God - Day 20

Woke up and started planning out my day...and thought, hey I am I am going up to Fargo for a day and half conference and laughed to myself, "Only Norwegians go north for the winter." Thanks God for that surprisingly absurd laugh. :)
Then I started checking my email and read Katie Davis' "Surprise Me God" story from yesterday. (do go back and read it...touching!) Thanks God for that surpising story. And thanks God for a reminder of how powerful the faith witness of our loved ones can have and does have on us.
Christ Is Risen! Alleluia!

1 comment:

sonia larson said...

I’m walking through some struggles with a friend of mine. We have been sharing struggles, hopes and dreams, frustrations, and life with each other for some time now. The current struggle has no easy answer. But God always seems to put things in our way—obstacles for us to trip over, I guess—that give us a little guidance. I don’t know why it continues to surprise me when he does this, but it’s like opening a Christmas present every time he does. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t always LIKE the obstacles he puts in the way because they don’t always tell me what I want to hear. But it’s always a surprise anyway. I got one of those yesterday. Thanks for giving me more to pray about, God.