Saturday, January 23, 2010

1-22-09 Surprise Me God - Day 13

Got up, got the girls out the door, answered emails and worked on my sermon for Sunday...found a perfect illustration online about a friend to conclude my sermon...thanks God for that surprise.
Later in the morning, met Linda (a new Rejoicer) for a One to One meeting. It was great to get to know her better...and...I think she felt blessed by the conversation too. I don't know why, but I am always surprised by the fact that when I take time to listen to other people stories it turns out to be a blessing for both parties. I guess it should not be a surprise anymore, but I am always grateful for those spirit-filled times.
At Noon, I went with my friend Jason to an event he invited me to...Christian Business Men's meeting. The speaker was fantastic telling a great story of God guiding him through his life from America to Europe and back again. He summed up his story with this maxim, "The places and desitinations along the journey of life are less important than the process of the journey." I pray that that surprise insight could be learned by all of us at Rejoice! too.
My last surprise for the day was that I was scheduled to referee basketball in Hartford last night, and I was worried the whole day about ice on those county roads in the evening on the trip back. Thankfully I was gratefully surprised by a late phone call that games were postponed. It was good to use last evening for time to exercise at Family Wellness, order pizza and spend time with my girls.
Give 'em Heaven!

1 comment:

sonia larson said...

All around, it was a pretty low-key day in the surprise department. It was another high-energy day at work, which I love because I get so much accomplished on those days.

The evening was relaxing. I think God has seen our "busy-sickness" in little ol' South Dakota, and has decided that this is the year to sock us with all sorts of interesting weather that keeps us indoors and focused on our families. Honestly, I don't mind it a bit.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend, too!