Monday, January 11, 2010

1-11-10 Day 2 Surprise Me God

Today started off a "back to normal life" day. My girls all got back from their weekend trip to the Twin Cities. Everything was back to normal, except for the "Surprise Me God" thing. But the morning seemed, "same old, same old," but it was really nice to have "same old, same old," having everyone home was a wonderful non-surprise.

The morning sort of purred along. Monday's for pastors are sort of our weekend. (at least it is part of a day off...other than loading the vodcast from the previous day's sermon.

However, I got a call from my new friend Leif. He called and invited me once again to his Bible Study. I tried to go 2 or 3 times before, but schedule, life and snow got in the way. But today finally worked out.

What a wonderful surprise! Leif and his friends were serious about studying the Word. They came with their sleeves rolled up, ready to learn, study, pray, share and experience God. Awesome stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed. What a nice surprise. Thanks God.

Later on, I had been playing telephone tag with my friends Dave and Tammy about hearing their "Surprise Me God" stories from Haiti. (I will not give too much away, because I videoed it and you should see it in worship soon) But wow...some great surprises!

Lastly, the night was about to end, I was thinking about going to the club and run on the treadmill. I love to sweat (so I can eat more food) but jogging is kind of boring to me, then I get a phone call from Leif. You still thinking about cross-country skiing...oh yeah...I forgot we had talked about that...Heck yeah...I would much rather exercise outside than inside. What a great night, more great conversations.

Wow thanks for the surprises...bring some more tomorrow! Give 'em Heaven!


sonia larson said...

This "Surprise Me, God" thing is not going to be easy. Why? Well, before my feet hit the ground this morning, shortly after that annoying alarm went off, I took my husband's hand, and we both prayed, "Surprise Me, God." So what did I do all day long? I waited...and waited...and waited...EXPECTING to be surprised.

Well now let me tell you something. When you EXPECT a surprise, it simply isn't going to happen...or it isn't going to be a surprise.

So by the end of the day, I had finally forgotten about expecting a surprise. I had things to do--a life to get on with. I made dinner and prepared to go to the first night of our Beth Moore Bible Study. Wow! Can that woman ever lead a Bible Study!! She is something else. And what a surprise to see two new women at our study...ten women in all who have committed themselves for the next ten weeks to spend at least an hour every day diving into God's Word and watching those plain black and white words jump off of the page and come to life.

If that wasn't surprising enough, Beth talked about how God can use completely contrasting things in our lives to do His will. For her, it was the contrast of God giving her a hunger to teach the Word of God that was so powerful, she had no choice in the matter but to do what she does. That was contrasted with deeply humiliating circumstances in her life that simply made her feel as if she couldn't get her face out of the carpet some days. She felt as if she had no right to stand in front of a group and teach, but yet she HAD to.

Powerful words. God humbles us so that we are fit to do his will.

Unknown said...

I had in-service this evening for a new adjunct teaching position I took. I have taught before and assumed that this inservice would show me how to navigate through the systems at this school. Instead, I was surprised to find that this school cares enough about its students to spend some time with the intructors encouraging us to take the time to think about how to make the class our own and help the students have a really powerful learning experience, rather than just showing up at class.

Thanks God for opening my mind to recieve this instruction and for the awesome opportunity to cross paths with the students I am about to come in contact with. Help me conduct my class in such a way that students will have powerful experiences.

Dewey said...

I was suprise when a co-work came back to help get a project out last night after being home with a sick child. It was a blessing for me so I didn't have to work real late. Thank you God ! ! !

Unknown said...

January is, without a doubt, my least favorite month. I often feel unmotivated, crabby, and pessimistic. This January has been no exception. Before crawling out from beneath the covers this morning, I prayed for an attitude adjustment. I can try all I want to alter my outlook, but I readily admitted that I could not do it without His help. I was surprised by how hopeful I felt today - I had a sense that the blessings we desire are in the works. I pray that God continue to surprise me with his reassuring presence throughout January and far beyond.