Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2-5-10 Day 27

Today's suprise was that my mind started to begin to click for my community ministry - refereeing.
Let me give some background, as a pastor, we spend so much time with the "flock" (so to speak) that we rarely get a chance to be in the community with unChurched people. For a church like Rejoice! who has a focus to reach out to deChurched and unChurched people that is a problem. So I decided to mix my love of sports with an in-the-community activity. Started with umpiring softball...easy-beasy...did that through high school, college and grad school. Umpiring for softball games was like getting on a bike again...no problem!
But referee basketball...as the kids say, "OMG!" Wow I had not refereed for basketball since 9th grade...and...then I was not really that good. During all of last year I was asking myself, "What was I thinking?"
Well tonight, nearly 2 years of doing this...stuff started to finally click. I could just react...rather than think...this is key to basketball referees...it is such a fast game...there is no time to think.
And then I thought driving home...how often is life and ministry like that...often life is so fast that there is no time to think...only react. And then I realised how the help and guidance from each night's fellow referee was just like the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thanks God for help my brain finally click on the basketball court...but even more thanks for the life lesson and the help of your Holy Spirit daily!

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