Week 2 - Sunday, February 28: We will be searching out how we were "planned for God's pleasure." We will be exploring things like what makes God smile, such as the heart of worship, developing a friendship with God, why does God seem distant sometimes, etc. May our great God richly bless your week. Give 'em Heaven!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
2-8-10 Surprise Me God - Day 30 Final Post
My final post...hmm...I guess for this guy who has never succesfully journaled anything, I am surprised that I made it 30 days.
Today was a day of rest...in fact...I am doing this post a day late.
If I learned anything, in this surprising ride of surprises is that most of your surprises God do not happen in the metaphysical realms. I guess that should not surprise me. Your greatest surprise was not a metaphysical one, but a very odinary physical one, you became human.
Help me to carry the learning from this 30 day journey God and carry it into the future. Help me to not so much to strive to see you in the miraculous, but in the ordinary and daily. You are an awesome God. Thanks for these 30 days of surprises...I look forward to the next 30-40 years of surprise...you(God) willing of course.
2-7-10 Surprise Me God - Day 29
Super Bowl Sunday...one would think that the greatest surprise today would be that the Saints won the game...Nope!
No there were several beforehand.
First, thanks God for the surprise that Rejoice's worship attendance was pretty full today...considering the cold, snow and wind...wow! Thanks God! Thanks Rejoicers for that surprise!
Second, our prayer team finally set a time when we could all meet. It had been long overdue! This was truly Holy Spirit time. It should never been a surprise that this would be blessed time, but it always new, fresh and surprising when my friends and I get together to pray, share and invite you into the conversation. Awesome!
Third, I am a football junkie...love the game. Admittedly it is close to an addiction. But at our anual Super Bowl party, I hardly watched the game. And for this football addict, I did not miss it. I just so enjoyed time with my fellow Rejoicers at the party that I almost forgot there was a game going on.
Thanks God for a great day of surprises!
2-6-10 Surprise Me God - Day 28
Some surpises are there all the time, but you walk by them daily and ignore them. Today's surprise was housecleaning. It was one of those Popeye moments for us, we've "had all we can stands, and we just can't stands no more."
How often is the spiritual and emotional clutter in our life go often unattended until it gets to a desperation point.
Thanks God for the suprising lesson of housecleaning...who'd thunk? Lord help me to not only keep up with routine cleaning and maintenance around my house, but help me to daily keep at cleaning and doing maintence within my soul.
2-5-10 Day 27
Today's suprise was that my mind started to begin to click for my community ministry - refereeing.
Let me give some background, as a pastor, we spend so much time with the "flock" (so to speak) that we rarely get a chance to be in the community with unChurched people. For a church like Rejoice! who has a focus to reach out to deChurched and unChurched people that is a problem. So I decided to mix my love of sports with an in-the-community activity. Started with umpiring softball...easy-beasy...did that through high school, college and grad school. Umpiring for softball games was like getting on a bike again...no problem!
But referee basketball...as the kids say, "OMG!" Wow I had not refereed for basketball since 9th grade...and...then I was not really that good. During all of last year I was asking myself, "What was I thinking?"
Well tonight, nearly 2 years of doing this...stuff started to finally click. I could just react...rather than think...this is key to basketball referees...it is such a fast game...there is no time to think.
And then I thought driving home...how often is life and ministry like that...often life is so fast that there is no time to think...only react. And then I realised how the help and guidance from each night's fellow referee was just like the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thanks God for help my brain finally click on the basketball court...but even more thanks for the life lesson and the help of your Holy Spirit daily!
2-4-10 Surprise Me God - Day 26
Had a wonderful surpise today...Megan called and asked, "Dad do you want to do lunch today?" At first I was going to say, "Well, I already have a lunch date with a friend." But then I thought, "No, next year your daughter will be over 1500 miles away and you will not be able to do this." So I said, "Sure I will pick you up a little after Noon at the high school." Then I called my friend and rescheduled our meeting.
Thank you God for the surprise of a teenage daughter asking to spend time with her dad. I give you thanks for my beautiful daughter and all the blessings she brings to my life and so many others!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
2-3-10 Surprise Me God - Day 25
The morning was booked with meetings, but it was great. Met for the first time in weeks with my pastor friends for worship at the Crossing's office for what Jon DeGroot calls, "Harp and Bowl." Go to http://www.ihop.org/ (then click "Prayer Room" on the top right of the screen) to see what the format is like. Actually if any are free on a Wednesday 10 a.m., you are welcome to join us for an hour of worship and prayer. This prayer time is so wonderful for church worship leaders because it is often difficult to relax and enjoy worship when you are leading worship. (constantly thinking about what is next and who should be where...etc.) This worship time is always feels fresh and new. Thanks God for this time of renewal.
Later I got to meet with Connie and Gary (two new Rejoicers). It was fun to hear their perspective about Rejoice! and their dreams of how they can join us be about what God is already doing in our midst.
Last, was Theology on Tap. We had some new faces tonight. And to be honest, I never know what to expect from these get togethers. Sometimes they are deep and thought provoking. Other times they are jovial and a little goofy. Last night's was both...and...what a blast! Thanks God for showing up last night and all day. I guess I am constantly learning that you are always there, but it is always wonderful to be reminded of your surprises!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
2-2-10 Surprise Me God - Day 24
Went to my office at Peace Lutheran today. Caught up with the staff and what is going on at the mother church. I learned that they are looking at interviewing and possibly calling a new pastor. Thanks for the surprise that even at big churches, nothing stays the same.
Later on in the evening, I was called to cover refereeing for someone who had life give him a surprise and had the opportunity to cover for him. The game was in Canton. Never had been to that school...so I left plenty early. Had some free time...so I checked out the school. Apperently smaller schools like Canton have each graduating classes senior pictures up on the wall. Fascinating to look at all the fashion changes through the years...and...all of those faces, with so much promise. Then I remembered one of my best friends from seminary (our class of 125's best preacher!) Darin Wiebe was from Canton. Did the estimating and found his picture. Wow...how cool! And...thanks be to God, Burnsville High School's class of 1987 was way, way too big (over 900 that year) to do the same as Canton. I am not sure anyone could handle the surprise of my shocking mug from high school!
2-1-10 Surprise Me God - Day 23
Snow again...like that is a surprise? Well, at least it was not windy...and...I got to serve others by shoveling several sidewalks. I am not sure my neighbors even noticed...since the conditions of sidewalks are sort of like our body, we do not notice them unless there is an irritation. Oh well, thanks for the opportunity to bless other, whether they noticed the surprise or not.
Later, Guys Group. We did the John Eldredge study, "Walking with God." It all went along fine until the end. Our guys just like each other's company. But the focus was on listening/hearing God's voice. My gut said my group of guys biggest difficulty is to just slow down and listen for God's voice...they are wonderful "doers of the Word." (James 1:22) But the Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" comes a little more difficult for my Band of Brothers. So we did a 15 minute guided meditation at the end. For these Type A guys, it seemed like the first time in a long time that they fully relaxed. I hope that was rejuvenating surprise for them.
1-31-10 Surprise Me God - Day 22
Before worship this Sunday, my friend Jason (from Ransom Church) met with our new hospitality team. Jason shared with the new team how the Ransom learned through research that the first time guest decides whether they are going to return to a church in the first 7 minutes. I guess I knew that statistics, but it always surprises me. Even before I begin to preach, people have decided already if they are going to come back. Thank you God for this and several other insights Jason offered our new team.
My second surprise is far more mundane. I am a sports addict...and...gosh sports sure get boring this time of year. (bowling? figure skating? basketball before playoffs? this year's gopher hockey team?) Eek! And to top it all off...the Pro Bowl...yawn!
Keep surprising us God, I think we all need some surprises during these dog days of winter!
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