Friday, October 12, 2007

Ask Thank Tell

About once a year, we at Rejoice take some time to have a conversation about what Christians call "Stewardship." Merriam Webster defines stewardship in this way, "the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care ."

We at Rejoice believe that all we have and all we are is a gift from God. (Acts 7:49-50) We also believe that we have been "blessed to be a blessing." (Genesis 12:2)

So for the next month, we ask you to share three things in comment section of this blog:

1. We ask that you share how you have been blessed by God his past year.

2. We also ask that you please pray about how much God is calling you to invest in his kingdom expansion in our midst.

3. Please also share your hopes and dreams about what God might do in and through Rejoice in this coming year.

God's Peace,
Pastor Tim

1 comment:

sonia larson said...

There are really too many ways to count all the blessings I have been given by God. I have a loving family, and each member is safe and healthy. I have shelter, clothing, and food…in abundance. I have a new family at Rejoice! that blesses me greatly. The list grows and grows and grows.

I just read that at last count, there were about 210 countries in the world. Americans spend more on TRASH BAGS than the individual gross national product of 90 of those countries, and we spend more on eating out than the individual GNP of 200 of those countries! The next time I find myself complaining about something...or wishing I had another “possession”...I hope I can remember these figures and stop to count my MANY blessings.

I hope and pray that Rejoice! continues to…
…serve our community
...grow its small group ministries
…live, love, and laugh together as a family
…care for each other by encouraging our core values: Rest, Renew, Serve, and Share
…grow in faith by praying, worshiping, reading God’s Word, serving, developing healthy relationships, and giving biblically and sacrificially.

Most of all, I hope and pray that Rejoice! continues to search out and minister to the lost and lonely, the searching and the scared in our midst.