Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Got Questions? Get Rejoice!

What are your questions? Do you have your "when I get to heaven" questions?

For two weeks (September 23rd and 30th) Rejoice! will be doing a short, "Got Questions? Get Rejoice!" sermon series. But we need your help.

Either send an email ( or better respond to this blog (that way everyone can see a log of all the questions that everyone asked) I will pray over those questions and study God's Word and do my best to answer the answerable questions and be honest about the unanswerable questions.

So...start thinking...starting praying...and...start blogging

Peace Out!

Pastor Tim


Don said...

Pastor Tim, here are a few questions for you...
*What would you say is the most fundamental belief held by Lutherans that makes them Lutheran?
*How do you share with someone who is truly hurting (for example, sickness, death of loved one, financial hardship, etc.) that God does indeed love him/her?
*Are prayers always answered?
*Why should the sin of one person (for example, a drunk driver, abusive relative) affect others who do nothing wrong?
(Don Reiffenberger)

Jenna C. said...

Here is one of the questions I would have for God: "Why do some of the nicest and sweetest people in the world have to suffer on a regular basis while others who are cruel and mean seem to have better 'luck' in life?"

sonia larson said...

Pastor Tim:

Here are some questions for God:

In a world that is so obviously hurting, why do so many people shun God...turn away from the very One who can give them strength? Why do some people think that to believe in God is something to be ashamed of (or something to avoid) rather than something to embraced?

Why is your "timing" so much different than ours? "Soon" doesn't mean the same thing to you as it does to us.

Tim Robertson said...

Great questions Church...keep 'em coming!

God's Peace,

Pastor Tim

Shannon said...

Here is my question for God...
I know that prayer is the how we hear God speak to us. However, I feel like sometimes I get answers that I can't be sure are from God.

How can I be sure that the decisions I make are influenced by God's will?

Dewey said...

Paster Tim:

Here are a few questions:

* When do we go to heaven?
* Where is Heaven?
* What is Heaven?
* Who/ what is the Holy Spirit?
* What is God's will?

Tammy & Brad said...

Pastor Tim, when we pray for healing and/or comfort for those who are physically ill, why are some healed and others not? Why and how does God decide, or does He?

Question #2-In the Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren states that God made us for a reason, and that He knew when we would be born and how long we would live. Does God have our death pre-planned? Are our days really pre-destined?

#3 God, why are we here in this bountiful part of the world, lacking for nothing, while others live in parts of the world, with less than nothing? I know i do not deserve all I have, and those that live in pure poverty,
certainly deserve better. Do you really have the whole world in your hands?

Jim R. said...

All are great questions and I have asked them all at one time or another.
My thoughts have moved away from these questions and more to wondering what my role in heaven will be. I love the song by "Mercy Me" called "I can only Imagine" and I can really identify with these lyrics. It is exciting and at the same time very peaceful to imagine what Heaven will be like!

Dave O said...

Great input Everyone,
I echo Tammy and Brad's #3 question. Why us? Are the poor there as a challenge to us?
Also...How important is it that we understand what will happen in the last day's. Why are your words to us about it so confusing (Isaiah & Revelations).

Don said...

I have a few more questions...all pertain to prayer:

*When I pray aloud, do you hear what is in my heart (which no person can hear), or do you hear what comes out of my mouth which sometimes gets fumbled and mumbled around (and people do hear)? Also, is it OK to have some silent time even though silence seems to make people feel uneasy? I think sometimes I have a fear of failure or a fear of making myself look like a fool when praying aloud. Is there ever a time I should fear that you would think that of me when I'm praying aloud?

*Is there a "correct" way to pray? If so, are there prerequisites for prayer?

*Should I ever tell people "You are in my prayers" when they truly are in my prayers? What if they look at me with an unbelieving expression? Do I pray for them all the more, but just not tell them?

...I'm putting myself on the line hoping someone else may have the same questions.

Ben Robertson said...

Here's one nice and simple...

In God's eyes, are some sins worse than others?


sonia larson said...

Amos 8:11-12 says:

“The time is surely coming,” says the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from border to border searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.

Is this why we don't hear God's voice today like Moses, Abraham, the prophets, etc., did? Did God get so fed up with human sin that he decided to make us search harder to find His make us listen more closely to hear His voice?

Jenna C. said...

Got some more:
"At the time that we cease breathing and our heart stops and our body is completely dead does our spirit go immediately to where we are to spend eternity?"

"Where is Heaven? And how does our spirit get there after our bodies die? How does the spirit escape our earthly bodies?"

"Do individuals that have never heard of the name of Jesus go to Heaven? Or do those that are genuinely good people that never came to fully know Him as their Savior allowed into Heaven?"

Dewey said...

Here is one:

Why was God so evident in the Bible and seems so hidden today?

Why is God so different in the Old Testament than he is in the New Testament?