Friday, January 18, 2008

Casual on the Outside - Serious on the Inside

In the Church where I grew up, the experience was very serious on the outside. Everyone wore their Sunday’s best. Children were expected to sit still and be quiet. We sang very serious, formal, dark hymns (a church word for songs).

While we were very serious about our outside religious appearance, we were very casual about our faith experience on the inside. Bible reading in the home was never encouraged. Faith seemed like a once a week, one hour a week obligation.

Rejoice! aims to be just the opposite of my childhood experience. We seek to be “casual on the outside, serious on the inside.” I believe this was Jesus’ way of living. The common person found Jesus very approachable. The ultra-religious found him far too casual on the outside and when Jesus examined their insides, it got personal and they then schemed to kill him.

During the next few months we, at Rejoice!, encourage our community to come as they are, casual. In fact come to worship in your sweats to workout your soul and stay at the health club to work out your body with a free day pass at Family Wellness’ health club.

We also believe there is something very serious about serving and worshiping the living God of the universe. Think about it, if God is “in the house,” we can expect Him to be up to some very “serious” business. (Forgiving people’s past errors, loving people unconditionally, giving his Holy Spirit to purify and perfect, and showing us what His love is really like through the life, love, miracles, healings, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus the Christ.)

We pray that you come just as you are…but we also pray that you leave seriously transformed by the awesome love of God and the Spirit of Jesus the Christ.

Give ‘em Heaven!

Pastor Tim

1 comment:

Jason Andera said...

Great message. I'm sure many people can relate to the childhood experience of going to church, I know I can.