Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dreaming about the Ministry Tool of a Building

“When are you going to build the church pastor?” I hear that question almost weekly. Not too often from Rejoicers, but very often from people from our mother churches or from people within our community. My usual answer is, “Well, we started building the church a year and a half ago with a small Bible study and some day we will grow large enough to need a building.” The responses are usually puzzled stares. Let me explain.

What is a church? Some use the word "church" as a synonym for a building…as in, “Where is Pastor Jones…Oh, he is in the church.” Others use the word “church” as a synonym for worship…like, “Hey kids, let’s get ready to go to church.”

In the original Bible, written in Greek, there were two words for our one English word “church.” Trouble is neither of the two words refers to “going to a worship service” or a “church building.” The first Greek word the early Christ followers used for “church” was “koinonia.” The English word “economy” has its roots in koinonia. This word can be translated, “the gathering, the fellowship, and the community.”

The other Greek word for “church” was “ecclesia.” We get our English word “ecclesiastical” which refers to matters of church ministry. “Ecclesia” can best be translated, “the congregation, the assembly, the gathered ones.”

1 Corinthians 3:16, says, “Do you not know that you (God’s people) are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?” (NRSV) So you see, Rejoice! Lutheran Church is the people and we are church not only when we worship, pray and read the Bible together, but we are church in our homes, in our schools, in our neighborhoods and wherever we live life.

As for a church building and location, thanks to God, the South Dakota Synod and the ELCA, 20 acres have been purchased for us to someday use for ministry and build a building upon. You can find where the land is off our website

As you can see we will be right next to St. Katherine Drexel Catholic Church. Please note St. Katherine’s new worship building is a beautiful, cathedralesque type building. How could Rejoice! ever build a beautiful enough building to compete with St. Katherine’s? Why would we want to try competing? They are our brothers and sisters. They have their mission, to bless and grow a church for loving Roman Catholics…and…we have ours, “Daily renewing and serving our community until all join us in rejoicing in Jesus’ love.” As St. Katherine’s will do an awesome job of reaching the churched people of our community. We hope to do an equally awesome job of reaching the unchurched and dechurched seekers of our community. Two different strategies require two different types of buildings.

Please look at the pictures of two church buildings that our leadership visited this summer. These buildings are used and owned by Community of Hope on the southside of the Twin Cities and Kauw Prairie in suburban Kansas City. Notice that their buildings are not cathedrals, but they are more of a tool for ministry.

What do you think? Dream with us about what sort of building we will someday build on the 20 acres of land God provided for us. Please share your comments.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ask Thank Tell

About once a year, we at Rejoice take some time to have a conversation about what Christians call "Stewardship." Merriam Webster defines stewardship in this way, "the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care ."

We at Rejoice believe that all we have and all we are is a gift from God. (Acts 7:49-50) We also believe that we have been "blessed to be a blessing." (Genesis 12:2)

So for the next month, we ask you to share three things in comment section of this blog:

1. We ask that you share how you have been blessed by God his past year.

2. We also ask that you please pray about how much God is calling you to invest in his kingdom expansion in our midst.

3. Please also share your hopes and dreams about what God might do in and through Rejoice in this coming year.

God's Peace,
Pastor Tim