Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 6: The Trip Home

Earthdate: 7/30/07 Captains Log: DAY 6 The Ride Home

Time to go home. What a wild ride!!! Thanks for all of your prayers and support. We leave Michigan with minds and souls filled with ideas, inspiration and love.

As many of you already know, Rejoice! is filled with wonderful leaders…and…I had the awesome blessing and honor to spend six days with 4 of our best and brightest! DeWayne, Don, Jim and Sonia represented our community above and beyond the call of duty. Not only were they fantastic listeners and contributors to what we will bring home to Sioux Falls, but on many, many occasions they blessed the communities visited as much as we were blessed by them. They were not only takers of great ideas, but also helping hands and loving servants. Whenever one of the churches we visited was cleaning up or setting up, they were one of the first to jump in and say, “How can I help?” I am so proud to have shared this week with them.

I am sure much of what we learned and experienced will germinate and grow into our future, but I also want to say this was not only a trip about how can we do things better? It was clear as the week progressed, this was also a trip to be affirmed that we are doing many things right. We indeed do many, many things very well already! Each of you reading this have played a part in our growing. Thank you for your part in making Rejoice! a great community.

As we are on our way home, I am truly proud and honored to serve such an awesome community. May God take what we do well now and make it great…and…may He take what we do great now and make it excellent.

If there was an underlying theme to every church we visited it was that growing churches can take many shapes and forms, but the truly great growing churches exist not so much for their members, but they exist for the sake of those outside their worshipping community. In Cincinnati, they used the phrase, “outward focused.” These churches grow, not to become big, but they grow because that is what great churches do, they grow. I like what one person said, “Great small churches become big churches…this small to big growth is just a fact of church physics.”

If you would like to see pictures from Day 6 trek home, click….

Thanks for reading. See you next Sunday if not sooner.

Peace Out!


1 comment:

sonia larson said...

Do you remember the song "People" that Barbara Streisand sang? The song asserts that "people who need people" - that is, people who love others and are not emotionally cut off from them - are the "luckiest people in the world".

On this trip, we met some of the "luckiest people in the world"...that is...we met a lot of people who work really hard to make sure that others aren't emotionally cut off from the world and cut off from God.

Thank you for your prayers for our trip, but more importantly, thank you for the prayers you can offer for the people we haven't been able to reach yet.