Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lenten Sermon Series


Lent is coming upon us very soon. It is an ancient tradition within the Christian church. Lent is a 40 day time for renewal and repentance. It parallels Jesus 40 days in the desert when he prepared for his public ministry. It is our time to spend to focus on repentance and renewal during the 40 days before Easter and Holy Week. Below is the schedule for each week:

In Philippians, Paul uses the words “joy” or “rejoice” 15 times in only 4 chapters. Considering Paul is suffering in prison and possibly near death, it is an amazing/perplexing topic for a man in his circumstances.

Sermon Series Title: How to Find Joy amidst Life’s Struggles?

Feb 25 Week 1 Joy in Suffering? (Philippians 1:20-30)
Mar 4 Week 2 Joy in Serving (Philippians 2:1-20)
Mar 11 Week 3 Joy in Shining Christ’s Light (Philippians 2:21-28)
Mar 18 Week 4 Joy in Believing (Philippians 3:12-16)
Mar 25 Week 5 Joy Everyday Life (Philippians 4:1-7)
Apr 1 Week 6 Joy in Thanksgiving (Philippians 4:10-20)

Start reading Philipians and praying about what God might teach us through this powerful book of the Bible.

Give 'em Heaven!



hayungsl said...

my first blog ever :o) thanks for all you do!

jman said...

Peace and blessings to all at Rejoice! God is using all of you to do marvelous things.

Tim Robertson said...

We are so grateful for the support...thanks for the kind words and thoughtful prayers!