Tuesday, June 26, 2007

IXHUS - Somethin' Fishy's Happenin'

It seems like everyone has a bumper sticker or some sort of symbol on the back of their cars these days. A common symbol on the back of many cars is the IXHUS fish. The IXHUS fish is actually the first Christian symbol. IXHUS was used by Christ followers long before crosses became the dominant symbol for Christianity.

For 300 years Christianity was an illegal religion in the Roman Empire. Christ followers had to be careful with whom and how they shared their faith…it literally was a life and death thing. In those days of illegal Christianity, early Christ followers would use the fish symbol to keep their illegal worship secret to just believers. If another person’s faith was in question, one believer would draw one half of the IXHUS fish on the ground. If the other person was a believer, they would know to finish the other half of the symbol to complete the fish…then the two would share where worship would be. Anyone in the first century would know that IXHUS is the Greek/Biblical language word for “fish.” But IXHUS is also an acronym for who Jesus is. I = Jesus, X = Christ, H = God, U = Son, S = Savior/Healer.

When one looks at the Bible, one sees fish references all over. We find fish being served at Jesus’ resurrection. (John 21:1-14) We find fish at one of his most famous miracles, the feeding of the 5000. (Matthew 14:13-21) Jesus calls the disciples to “fish for men and women.” (Matthew 4:18-20) Jesus compares his rising from the tomb to Jonah’s being in the belly of a fish. (Matthew 12:39-41) Jesus compares his bringing people to himself like catching fish. (Matthew 13:47-50) Jesus even pays taxes with a coin found in the mouth of a fish. (Matthew 17:23-27)

Join us at Rejoice! for our new sermon series “IXHUS Somethin’ Fishy’s Happenin’.” Week by week, we will look at each letter in the IXHUS acronym. Learn with us the rest of the story behind all of those fish symbols on the back of the cars on our roads.

Let's hear your "Fish Stories." Share the craziest "Fish" bumper stickers you have seen. Share how people drive with "Fish Bumper stickers." (Better? Eek...Worse?) Maybe God has used you to lead wayward fish into Christ's net...share that story.

May God use us to "fish for men and women" with the good news of his love.

Give 'em Heaven!
